What is most important for a Unit that works 24/7? Yes, proper cooling. Refrigerators are made for controlled climates. Any extra heat will cause your unit to work harder to keep cool.

Manufacturer recommends at least 3-4 inches away from the wall, 2 inches on each side.

By doing so we are allowing breathing room and better air flow. Vacuuming the coils every 4-6 months (depending on house conditions) will help the unit cool more efficiently.

Every year the Door Seals (Rubber Gaskets) should be cleaned with a soft sponge and some soap. After it is clean, take Vaseline or Petroleum Jelly and coat the rubber seal lightly. This will help prolong the life of your gasket and create a better seal.

Keep the opening of doors to a minimum. Suction created by opening the door causes the unit to lose more air then if doors were left open.
We, at MTV Appliance Repair offer top-notch refrigerator repair services at Sunny IslesAventuraHollywoodNorth Miami & many more areas in Florida.